Saturday, August 14, 2010

Best Coast "Crazy for You"

Best Coast is a special brand of lo-fi surf pop; and on this, their debut release, they lay the groundwork for something special. It's funny, I remember having a similar sentiment to last year's Girls' album.

Depending on your generation, the term surf pop either makes you think of the Beach Boys or Jack Johnson. But JJ is a bit mellower than Best Coast and early Beach Boys consisted mostly of pop anthems. This album made me think of Pet Sounds-era Beach Boys. I know, I know - blasphemy. What I mean is it's more based in reality. It's not bubblegum pop. It's "Wouldn't It Be Nice" yearnings to be with someone. It's "Sloop John B" yearnings for the comforts of home. Serious matters presented in an easily identifiable package of pop music.

I think the lo-fi aspect of the recording is what really sets it apart. If it was just another clean cut, perfectly produced, shiny ribbon on top assortment of pop songs then it wouldn't have the impact that this collection does.

Must hear: Boyfriend

(Release Date: 7/27/10)